About Me

I think I speak for all of us when I say that Billy Myshkin was a mentor to us. But more than that he was the glue that held us together, the intoxicating fumes of which could inspire flights of fancy – vast, spiralling peregrinations of wonder or, occasionally, bouts of nausea. He was our mahatma: father, brother, lover, fearsome sun and middling racing tipster. After The Great Collapse and the subsequent destruction of his work, both here on this Blog and on the vengeful bonfires of his detractors, it is left to us survivors to carry his name forward for future generations (if any can be bothered being born after such a terrible loss) and continue the mass debate that only Billy could encapsulate for us – tossing issues this way and that - in that formidable brain, between those appropriately question mark-shaped ears. By all means express your feelings here. All I ask is that you remember the civilities and the words of his beloved Cicero: “I wonder that a soothsayer doesn’t laugh whenever he sees another soothsayer.” - Imelda V. (fellow traveller)

I can’t believe you are doing this! As one of the few of us privileged to be there “at the end” I expected more for our trust, our discovery and our history. I should have known better with a girl like you.

The rights to use his codes and publish in his domain - in his name - is a window of opportunity to help edit and correct the erroneous views that led to the Great Crash. What gives you the right to kindle the flame and assume the whole mantle piece? This is my space as much as yours! my face in the book! I am the explorer whose powerful points will look out for his people’s access to his word!

Forgive me, I’ve done nothing but stare at “the tyranny of the blank screen” since it all happened and find that misery, like happiness, writes white (which is hard on the eyesight and by far the less appetizing part of the egg, if you see what I mean). You are right about his ears though – especially the left one.

Is it true about his last words? (I was watching “Countdown” when he lost consciousness), did he really quote the first atheist in space, Yuri Gagarin (1934 – 1968), and say: "I don't see any god up here"

Eddie Z. Founder member of “The Junior Myshkateers”